

约翰·昆西·亚当斯, the second child 和 eldest son of John 和 Abigail (Smith) 亚当斯 was born 11 July 1767. As a young boy 亚当斯 accompanied his father on his diplomatic missions to Europe. He attended school at a private academy outside Paris, 阿姆斯特丹拉丁学院, 莱顿大学. 1781年至1782年,他在圣. 彼得堡 as private secretary 和 interpreter to Francis Dana, U.S. 驻俄公使. In 1785 亚当斯 returned to the United States to continue his formal education. He graduated from Harvard College in 1787, studied law for three years with Theophilus Parsons in Newburyport, 麻萨诸塞州, 然后在波士顿当律师. 

亚当斯’ own diplomatic career began in 1794 when President Washington appointed him minister to the Netherl和s. Immediately following 亚当斯’ arrival, French armies occupied the country. On 26 July 1797, in London, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 married Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughter of the U.S. 领事. He was appointed minister plenipotentiary to Berlin in 1797 和 recalled by his father after the elder 亚当斯' defeat in the presidential election of 1800. 

亚当斯 served one year in the 麻萨诸塞州 State 参议院 和 in April 1803 was appointed to fill an unexpired seat in the U.S. 参议院. 他在参议院的独立行动, namely support for the Louisiana Purchase 和 the Embargo of 1807, quickly alienated him from the Federalist party in 麻萨诸塞州. 当州立法机关, 由联邦党人主导, prematurely named 亚当斯’ successor in the 参议院 (six months before his term was to expire), 亚当斯immediately辞职. 

Commissioned minister plenipotentiary to Russia in 1809, 亚当斯, 他的妻子, 和 their youngest son Charles Francis spent five years in St. 彼得堡. 亚当斯 was in a unique position to report Napoleon’s march across Europe 和 fatal attempt to conquer Russia. Within months of the United States’ declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 was involved in efforts to bring about a peace—first through Russian mediation 和 later as a negotiator at Ghent in 1814. The 亚当斯es’ stay in Europe was extended when John Quincy was appointed minister plenipotentiary to Great Britain (1815). Their two older sons (George Washington 和 John) joined the family in Engl和.

约翰·昆西·亚当斯’ eighth 和 final voyage across the Atlantic was made in 1817 when he returned home to become secretary of state in the Monroe administration. Significant among his many accomplishments are the negotiation of the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 with Spain, 完成了他的权威 度量衡报告(1821), 和 the development of the Monroe Doctrine (1823).

亚当斯’ one term as president was not so successful. Although he ran second to Andrew Jackson in the 1824 election, he was chosen president by the U.S. House of Representatives when no c和idate received a majority vote by the electoral college. He struggled as a minority president 和 received little support for an ambitious program of national improvements (federal support for the arts 和 sciences, creation of a Department of the Interior, 和 development of a system of roads 和 canals).

Although defeated for reelection in 1828 by rival Andrew Jackson, 亚当斯 soon returned to national politics as representative from 麻萨诸塞州’ Plymouth district.  约翰·昆西·亚当斯 served in Congress from 1831 to 1848.  He became an increasingly vocal opponent of slavery 和 its expansion—opposing the annexation of Texas 和 war with Mexico, championing the freedom of petition in defiance of the congressional gag rule, 并捍卫 友谊在最高法院审判俘虏. 1848年2月21日, 亚当斯 collapsed at his seat in the House 和 was carried to the Speaker’s Room in the Capitol, 他于2月23日死于何处.

亚当斯的大量信件, 无论是个人还是公众, 能在亚当斯文件里找到吗, along with the Diary that he kept for 68 years (from November 1779, 当他十二岁时, 至1847年12月, 就在他去世前几个月), 以及他的许多文学创作.


The 约翰·昆西·亚当斯的日记: A Digital Collection 包含他的全部51卷日记. The published volumes of 约翰·昆西·亚当斯's early diary are available online at the 亚当斯论文数字版,尽管 亚当斯家书 和 约翰·亚当斯的论文. A timeline of John Quincy's life is viewable through the 亚当斯家族时间表.