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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

This porcelain punch bowl was owned by the 本杰明·埃德 family of Boston prior to the American Revolution. 在波士顿倾茶事件的下午, 伊德斯招待了他的一些同谋同伙, 用这个碗盛.


1773年5月, 英国议会通过了《利记APP官网手机版》, legislation designed to help the sales of the (British) East India Company while, 同时, re-asserting Parliament's authority in the face of American colonial resistance to any outside regulation or taxation. 即使是每磅三便士的新税, East India 茶 could compete in price with the 茶 being smuggled into the colonies. 在波士顿和美国殖民地的其他地方, the Tea Act was seen as yet another in a series of encroachments upon American liberties and an attempt to favor selected merchants with connections to the royal government--the consignees of the East India 茶--at the expense of other merchants, 包括那些走私茶叶的人. As news of the impending arrival of East India 茶 spread in the summer and fall of 1773, a campaign of political agitation against the 茶 tax and intimidation of the 茶 consignees began.

The first of three ships carrying a load of East India Company 茶 sailed into Boston Harbor on 28 November 1773. 接下来的十七天, the "Body of the People" of Boston and surrounding communities demanded the resignation of the East India Company 茶 consignees and the return of the 茶, 拒绝让它卸载. When all their appeals and demands failed, the citizens took matters into their own hands. 1773年12月16日下午, a group of men assembled in the parlor of 本杰明·埃德' house on Brattle Street. 艾德, who was closely involved in the deliberations surrounding the arrival of the 茶, had recruited his guests to help plan and carry out an audacious attack on the property of the East India Tea Company. 等待着夜幕降临, the party enjoyed 艾德' hospitality--which his son Peter recalled in a letter to his grandson:

I recollect perfectly well that in the afternoon preceding the evening of the destruction of the Tea a number of gentlemen met in the parlour of my father's house how many I cannot say as...他们没有让我去见他们. my station was in another room to make punch for them in the bowl which is now in your possession and which I filled several times-- they remained in the house till dark...

艾德 and his guests made their way to his office on Queen Street to disguise themselves as Indians before joining others on Griffin's Wharf, 三艘运茶的船停靠在哪里. Young Peter followed the group and related the action to his grandson:

印第安人工作得很聪明, some were in the hold immediately after the hatches were broken open, 把绳子固定在茶箱上, 其他人正在把箱子抬起来, and others stood ready with their hatchets to cut off the binding of the chests, 其他人把他们扔到海里.

有条理,有条理, 在三个小时内, the "Indians" had disposed of three hundred and forty-two chests containing over 92,000磅茶叶, 令约翰·亚当斯钦佩不已, 谁的12月17日日记, “这是所有运动中最伟大的. 有尊严, 一个威严, 一个崇高, 在爱国者最后的努力中, 我非常欣赏."


书商, 打印机, 出版商, 记者, 和爱国者, 本杰明·埃德斯(1732-1803), 与约翰·吉尔合作(1732-1785), maintained the most radical of Boston newspapers in the period leading up to the Revolution. 从1755年到1775年,他们出版了 波士顿公报 在皇后街监狱旁边的印刷机上.“除了报纸, 这对夫妇印刷宗教小册子, 一年一度的布道, 科学讲座, 本年历, 还有广告的侧面. 在18世纪60年代, as the local response to the Crown's efforts to tax and control her colonies intensified, 艾德 and Gill began to publish political works and broadsides that expressed the colonial point of view. Their spirited denunciation of the Townshend Acts led to an ineffective demand in Parliament in October 1767 that the 出版商s of the 波士顿公报 他因诽谤罪受审. Their sympathies earned them appointments as 打印机s to the House of Representatives in 1762 and 1770-1775. 艾德, 在政治上更活跃的一方, was a member of the Loyall Nine--the group that eventually became the Sons of Liberty.

在波士顿围城期间, Gill remained in town (where he was imprisoned for a month for treason and sedition) while 艾德 removed his press to Watertown. 在那里他继续印刷 波士顿公报 and Province paper currency until he returned to Queen Street in October 1776, 在英国人撤离波士顿之后. 该公司表示 & Gill continued through 1779, when 艾德 established a new firm, 本杰明·埃德 & 儿子们(彼得和小本杰明.). Peter 艾德 left to set up his own firm in Connecticut in 1784, and Benjamin, Jr. 十年后离开. 彼得谈到他父亲的晚年时说:

If my father had been like other men he might have been worth thousands on thousands of dollars, 但他更喜欢自己国家的自由...通过将, like many others too much confidence in the stability of the Continental money, 他死时很穷.

In 1799 the elder 本杰明·埃德 set up a press in his home in Temple Street, 在他女儿的帮助下, 在1803年去世前一直从事印刷工作. 他的潘趣酒碗传给了他的孙子, 本杰明·埃德, 他的遗孀, 玛丽·库明·埃德斯, presented it to the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 in 1871.


Consumption of alcohol in 18th century America is estimated by modern historians to have been 3.人均7加仑. 从生到死, alcohol formed an important part of social gatherings in the colonies, and punch (the name and libation imported from India) became the equivalent of 茶 amongst genteel company. 经典潘趣酒有五种成分:除了朗姆酒, 通常都含有糖, 香料, 还有新鲜酸橙汁, 柠檬,有时, 橙子. 许多工具在打孔时很有用, 包括中国潘趣酒碗, 银色冲孔过滤器, 勺子和长柄勺. In addition to the 艾德 family punch bowl, the Society owns a 银色冲孔过滤器 made by silversmith William Breed out of silver captured at Cartagena in 1741, and a 牛奶潘趣酒配方 ——本杰明·富兰克林.


For an in-depth discussion of the issues surrounding the Boston Tea Party, see our website 《美国革命的到来."

视图 据称来自波士顿倾茶事件.

罗伯特·艾利森. 波士顿倾茶事件. Beverly: Commonwealth Editions, 2007.

大卫·W·康罗伊. In Public Houses: Drink and the Revolution of Authority in Colonial Massachusetts. 教堂山:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,1995年.

本杰明·富兰克林., ed. 波士顿印刷商,出版商和书商:1640-1800. 波士顿:G. K. 厅,1980.

Proceedings of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会, 1871-1873. 波士顿:1873. p.174-181.

赖斯,金·S. Early American Taverns: For the Entertainment of Friends and Strangers. 芝加哥:Regnery Gateway, 1983.

小银,我是罗洛·G. 本杰明·伊德斯:煽动叛乱的号手. 纽约:美国书目学会,1953.

典狱长,杰拉德·B. 波士顿1689 - 1776. 波士顿:Little, Brown, 1970.