[的 end of the entry for the previous diary entry, at the top of this 页,还没有被转录. 请参考页面图片.]

周六. 12月14日

Natur所有y I was late in 未来 to the office,
他很幸运地找到了小姐 约瑟芬麦克莱伦,
& 她的朋友们. Wadhams, & StickintheMud小姐
想要进去见总统 开车经过
我房间的窗户. 是我让他们这么做的

minutes later, the carriages appeared, 未来
下来 the other side of the river, driving across
那座桥 的地方 [de la Concorde], across the 的地方, and 下来
皇家街. 士兵们排成两排
于是人群聚集起来. 这是一个温暖的夜晚。
day, and though cloudy in general, let the

虽然有时阳光明媚. 的 投票率非常高.

In the 的地方 it is no exaggeration to say that the
人群平均有二十五人深. 只是
in front of the [Hôtel de] Coislin a battery of 75's was 画

closed limousine, 与 two bicycle cops 只是 behind it,
and a file of mounted gendarmes passing par所有el
to it, 只是 outside the guards, on either side.

接着,总统来了,面带微笑 他手里拿着帽子,
bowing to the shouts and vociferations, the gesticulations
还有群众的手绢. 后面跟着6
or seven other carriages of dignitaries, and the
rear was brought up by two lines of motors ten abreast
in the center of which was an army truck 与 a

的 news of the President's 未来 was comic in
它的。 effect on those behind the lines in the open. 他们
came scuttling, at a quick run out of the Bois, like
frightened ants, streaming, across the pavement and

After he had passed we attempted to do a little work
但这是一次失败. 我去克里隆餐厅吃午饭,然后
和Col勾搭上了. [Lt. Col. 查尔斯H.梅森, Col 默文[C.巴基,我们的军队
专员的 罗马和船长. 华莱士. (亨利) 韦翰
战马,领头的 尤戈斯拉夫人的英格兰

运动 in 英格兰, 也是《利记手机官网》驻伦敦记者
added himself to our group, and seeing a chance to do
对巴基的宣传工作开始了 意大利语学位论文
亚得里亚海 pretensions, [Giovanni] Giolotti, [Sydney] Sonnino, [Vittorio Emanuele] 奥兰多,(弗朗西斯科)尼蒂和
一大堆. 他走后,我开始质疑 白克埃
我自己,从 的里雅斯特和 时间到了
克罗地亚人, he 很快,我就找到了那个
我面前的情况. 很简单,也没有希望. 的
Jugo Slavic people are not capable of self-determination. 他们
都是由几个人控制的-巴基说 500人
at the outside — who if they are 所有owed to, will fight
无休止地争夺权力. 分歧和
cliques will form instantly and the Jugo-Slavic union
会自动分为 它的。 组成部分. 的
other alternative is the hegemony of one nation. 它将
come either as a result of the divisions fighting, or
by the Peace Conference placing the most advanced
一个真正掌权的国家. 它违反了
President's expressed desires but it seems the only way.

骏马是一个常数 有说服力的说话. He
however assumes the rôle of a protagonist and so

After lunch I went back and Bill [William C.)布利特 未来
in, he and Lippmann and indulged in a little
说话. 一个小时后,我知道了真相. 每一个
corroborates the other and the truth was not good to see.

All the time we have been here, I have been unable to get
any clear statement of our ends in this conference. 在那里
has been total lack of definiteness, in what the fourteen
points actu所有y mean when applied to a given situation.
I have felt that we have been drifting, waiting for the
让总统来把事情具体化 他的抽象
命题. It is of course, a costly business, and we
失去了很多无价的东西. 除了损失
of certain points, which we should have had, we have
lost a 更多的 substantial thing than any single concrete
point — we have lost the confidence of our 所有ies in our
政治智慧. 他们一直认为我们是
children at the game; now they know we come to
the Peace table 与 four hearts, and a diamond tucked
锦囊妙计. 就像贝内斯·爱德华 贝内什说:“你有一个目标;
that if we are given the form of that for which we
have fought, we will go home like children, happy in
一个玩具,让他们有实质的东西. 从现在开始
on, therefore, it is the object of them 所有 to take the

This, of course, I had felt, 所有 along, of us 所有
here, but was hoping for better things in the President's
聚会,派对。. Well, they are worse off than we are, — that is
所有. 威尔逊参加了会议 准备不足,
and undismayed — a Sir Galahad from the West 与

用木剑来 雕刻一些
头脑最硬的人 今天的欧洲. 和
the worst of it is as I have said before that we have
been worsted in preliminary skirmishes and our

Well — now for a few priceless gems of fact.

[的 diary entry breaks off here and a typescript sheet has been inserted where remainder of the page was left blank]


的 gems referred to at this point seemed to me so priceless
我犹豫了一下 把它们写在纸上. 有四个.
二、我已忘记. 另外两个是:

布利特告诉 总统不知道的事情 直到
布利特在航行途中告诉他的 至少有
200万德国人 波西米亚.

Lippmann told Bullitt that in late October the question of an
北方的停战线 意大利是由法国人抚养长大的
military and that a representative of the United States should
参加一个会议来划定界限. 上校 (Edward M.[英语背诵文选
(Gordon) Auchincloss, his son-in-law as the American representative. On
his return from the conference Lippmann asked Auchincloss为
利记APP官网手机版线路的细节. 奥金克劳斯的回答有点像
接着说:“这很容易. 我们只是取了
various un它的。 of the opposing forces as they now are, and drew
他们之间的线从 亚得里亚海.被逼问
奥金克洛斯在地图上画了这条线. 李普曼仔细看了一遍
carefully and said "Did you ever see that line before?" "No"
奥金克洛斯回答说,“我们刚刚画出来的 随着时间的推移."
Lippmann told him it was the exact line of the Secret treaty
与 意大利在加入协约国之前.


那里有一些不为人知的历史. 在我看来,
总统,如果他知道的话 处于顶峰
of his fame as his carriage swung across the 的地方
de la Concorde, through the captured cannon, and

布利特像堂吉诃德一样离开了 差事
努力促使上校采取行动. 太迟了
my opinion to do anything, but Bullitt believes he
能不能,又着急进去 德国立即
in order to reinforce his opinion by fresh-gleaned facts.

I sat round in a daze slowly drinking in the new
然后是斯图尔特·蒙哥马利 我开始了
哈佛俱乐部的晚宴. 我们以喝酒作为开始
in a good deal besides the situation — meeting at the
莫里斯·巴尔,Ap上尉. [本杰明·阿普索普·古尔德]富勒,德弗罗, 约翰·门罗,华生 (例)
埃米特和比尔 [威廉·普雷斯顿]沃尔科特. 德弗罗问后者是怎么回事
奥利弗(Wolcott)是, 我的心一沉,沃尔科特
replied "Oh he's 所有 right, he's 只是 gone to the South
of France" Extraordinary: but Wolcott is alive, after
所有. 一定是有人把他和
纳撒尼尔.] 辛普金斯,小.; who had died of illness on 1918年10月22日].

drank, to everything, and I saw people like [Lincoln] MacVeagh,
(休·劳伦斯) Gaddis, and others I have not seen for years. 乔治
马丁是一位出色的演讲人. 一般(禁闭室. 创. 马尔堡) 丘吉尔
was there and I was suddenly presented to him. 看到

我的计划 他,我有点

I left about 10, and 只是 as we were going to
the Crillon and to bed, we decided to go up the
大道 只是 看看发生了什么. 的
same old crowd was there up to 它的。 same old tricks.
我必须说我喜欢人群. 斯图尔特失去 他的帽子
a couple of times, and rescued it by osculation.
Later I took toll myself, although a civilian. At
the end of an hour, we were suddenly separated
by the crowd and never saw each other again. I
发现坳. 巴基和他一起回家了.

[的 beginning of the entry for the 下一个 diary entry, at the bottom of 这一页,还没有被抄写. 请参考页面图片.]