Hamilton at the MHS

Explore Items from the MHS related to Alexander Hamilton

History behind Hamilton

As part of her internship at the MHS during the summer of 2018, Lindsey Woolcock (UMass Amherst, 《利记手机官网》通过历史的交汇来探索其背后的历史, music, and memory. 阅读林赛的解释,并配以MHS收藏的物品. Read

近年来,亚历山大·汉密尔顿已经成为流行文化的偶像,这在很大程度上是由于根据他的生活改编的音乐剧的流行. One of the founding fathers of the United States, Hamilton was a lawyer, political writer, a Revolutionary War officer, member of the Continental Congress, and the first Secretary of the Treasury.  而他的大部分手稿由国会图书馆收藏, 马萨诸塞州历史学会(MHS)保存着与他的生活有关的有趣物品,包括他在臭名昭著的决斗中死亡之前写的最后一封信, 他的头发和乔治·华盛顿的头发放在一起作为纪念品, and a miniature portrait on copper. 探索以下与他的非凡生活有关的材料:

The Hurricane

Alexander Hamilton was living in St. Croix and working as a clerk in late August 1772, when the island suffered extreme damage from a hurricane, an event recalled in Act II of the musical. 汉密尔顿写了一封利记APP官网手机版那场风暴的信发表在 Royal Danish American Gazette in 1772 and this eventually led to his leaving the island.  The Boston-Gazette and Country Journal 1772年10月5日,其中一篇文章描述了圣. Kitts caused by the same hurricane.  在线阅读这篇文章(见第二栏底部),包括以下句子: Words are too faint to paint the horrors of that day!

In Support of Conflict with Britain  

亚历山大·汉密尔顿撰写了一些著名的政治小册子,支持第一届大陆会议的活动,并反对“A. W. Farmer" (the pseudonym used by Samuel Seabury).

详细视图页从小册子汉密尔顿,一个充分的辩护 A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress ...
Alexander Hamilton

Pamphlet by Alexander Hamilton


Friends and Rivals during the Revolution

MHS的收藏包括与拉法耶特侯爵和亚伦·伯尔有关的手稿, two people Hamilton knew extremely well, and two figures with key roles in Hamilton: An American Musical.

In a letter dated 11 June 1780, 拉法耶特侯爵写信给大陆军的威廉·希思, in command of the Lower Hudson (NY) District. In the letter, 拉斐特描述了与法国军队包括其指挥官协调活动的关键问题, M. le Comte de Rochambeau, Lieutenant General. 

Letter from Marquis de Lafayette to William Heath, 11 June 1780

MHS收藏了一些信件包括伯尔写给威廉·尤斯蒂斯的信件, a physician and politician.  在1800年12月6日写的一封信中,伯尔包括了对1800年选举的注释和评论.

Letter from Aaron Burr to William Eustis, 6 December 1800

A remarkable artifact, 装在镜框里的亚历山大·汉密尔顿和乔治·华盛顿的头发, was given by James Hamilton (Alexander's son) to Eliza Hersey, the wife of John A. Andrew, the 25th Governor of Massachusetts. 

Locks of hair of Alexander Hamilton and George Washington

马萨诸塞州历史学会的收藏包括乔治·华盛顿和其他美国历史学家的许多信件. S. presidents.  See the collection guide, Presidential Letters at the Massachusetts Historical Society, for more information.

The New Nation

在乔治·华盛顿担任总统期间,亚历山大·汉密尔顿担任财政部长.  他制定了建立稳固国家信用的计划,并设想了建立国家银行的计划.  他的行为被许多参加过革命并关注新国家发展的人所观察到. 1791年2月23日,科顿·塔夫茨给阿比盖尔·亚当斯写了一封信,在信中他表达了对1791年《利记手机官网》的担忧: 请参阅亚当斯论文数字版中的转录信件.

Adamses and Hamilton

Although John Adams is mentioned in Hamilton: An American Musical he is not depicted as a character. 这部音乐剧影射了亚当斯和汉密尔顿在联邦党成立初期的冲突, 但音乐爱好者可能没有意识到故事的真谛.

在亚当斯家族文件中有很多利记APP官网手机版汉密尔顿的记载, an enormous and significant collection of correspondence, diaries, letterbooks, 以及约翰和阿比盖尔·亚当斯及其后代的演讲. 约翰·亚当斯和阿比盖尔·亚当斯写的信件和文件中都有对汉密尔顿的具体评论, some very critical. Here are a few selections:

Within John Adams's autobiography, in a section about May 1776, 亚当斯利记APP官网手机版大陆军军官之间的竞争的评论随后演变成利记APP官网手机版政治竞争的评论. 亚当斯分享了他对汉密尔顿在1800年写的小册子的看法,这本小册子在亚当斯担任总统的关键时刻直接批评了他.  Read Adams's words, starting on the second page in the online presentation.

"Here it is proper for me, to obviate some Aspersions in Hamiltons Libell against me, which is not the less malicious for being silly." Detail of John Adams's autobiography mentioning Hamilton
See the document

Abigail Adams was wary of Hamilton. She equates his ambition to that of Julius Caesar in a letter she writes to John on 31 December 1796.

H--n. is a man ambitious as Julius Ceasar. Detail of letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams
See the document

A month later, on 28 January 1797 她称汉密尔顿为“公鸡麻雀”,并说:“我多次读过他邪恶眼中的心。.阿比盖尔批评汉密尔顿的不忠行为,并质疑汉密尔顿的名誉, integrity, and patriotism because he could not refrain from adultery in a letter written on 13 January 1799

阅读更多利记APP官网手机版汉密尔顿和亚当斯家族的文章, 亚历山大·汉密尔顿和阿比盖尔·亚当斯:“他给自己招来了永远的恶名。, by Amanda Norton, Adams Papers.

Hamilton's Last Letter


Hamilton wrote this letter to Theodore Sedgwick, a fellow Federalist and a Massachusetts judge, on the morning of 10 July 1804. 汉密尔顿描述了他对政治的厌恶,并批评了新英格兰脱离联邦的言论, but doesn't mention his upcoming duel with Aaron Burr, an encounter that would prove fatal.

The Duel


汉密尔顿受伤和死亡的消息过了一段时间才传到马萨诸塞州.  The 18 July 1804 issue of the Massachusetts Spy, a newspaper published in Worcester, Mass.,在第三版刊登了一系列小文章,传达了这个不幸的消息. 从第三栏最上面的"不幸的交易"开始,这是纽瓦克一家报纸7月12日发表的一篇利记APP官网手机版决斗和汉密尔顿受伤的短文, 最后一栏是7月17日从纽约发来的利记APP官网手机版汉密尔顿葬礼计划的消息, readers in Massachusetts learned about Hamilton's death.  (这一时期的报纸通常会摘录其他报纸上发表的新闻.)

Images of Hamilton


Alexander Hamilton
Miniature portrait, oil on copper, [18--]

Alexander Hamilton
Engraving by William Hoogland

Alexander Hamilton
Engraving by W. G. Jackman after L. W. Gibbs