奥斯古德,撒母耳 约翰亚当斯,
来自塞缪尔·奥斯古德<选择> < sic >小.< / sic >
10月23日. 1775 1

抱歉打扰了您一会儿我不得不通知您,先生. 弗莱没有收到任何利记APP官网手机版他的情报,并被告知将军. 华盛顿从国会得到消息,任命了另一位 232准将暂时被停职,他大约在10月10日离开了我们. 我无法解释为什么他没有什么特别的智慧. 但是,当他到达剑桥时,密斯堡的部分内容已经被菲利普先生揭开了. 米夫林, in a Letter received a Paragraph to this Purport “In Congress we have had some warm Words respecting a Brigadier General. A southern Gentleman was put up but did not obtain some of the southern Gentlemen themselves not voting for him,,正是从这个问题上. Frye draws this Conclusion “that for Peace 和 Unitys sake our worthy Members would not push the Matter; after a short Suspension of the Affair a more favourable Moment might offer itself.《利记APP官网手机版》就是这样说的. Fryes Mind who doubts not your Inclination to serve him if it may be done consistent with his above Inference otherwise he desires it not.2

The Army is in good Spirits 和 enjoys unusual Health: prospered 和 protected by Heaven as we have hitherto been can we but succeed when we have drawn the Sword from the purest Principles of Virtue, 捍卫最崇高的事业? 禁止神使我们沉沦,禁止暴政顽固不化.

If the Cloud thikens with impenetrable Darkness we shall have the Pleasure to fight in the Shade.

新英格兰是勇敢和吃苦耐劳的人的聚居地. 她独自阻止了我们非自然敌人的快速发展, 到目前为止, 从我们所掌握的步枪兵的标本来看,我只能断定是她 必须 这样做. Genl. 李希望他们都在波士顿. Genl. Gates says before we have any Action let the Rifle Men be removed to a Distance from the Camp. 他们中的许多人已经叛逃投敌了.

With the Assistance of the Wealth of the southern Governments the continental Congress will long support in the Field a numerous 和 brave Army. 我不是麻木不仁, that not a Tory Province upon the Continent that has been by Appearance so tho'roughly contemned as ours. 很难看到它被她的姐妹们践踏, when every Circumstance serves to corroborate the mental Evidence that not one of them all would have received the Shock 和 bore it with unshaken 和 unyielding Bravery as ours has done.

但爵士, the Cause we are engaged in peremptorily forbids all Jealousy which is the King Demon of all Tormentors. It is an indisputable Fact that our southern Brethren have not annexed the same Ideas to the Word Liberty 到目前为止 that we have neither have we annexed the same to the Words, 荣誉, Politeness 和 Dominion which has not a Tendency to make us the most cordial 和 unreserved Friends: But 233I hope all these Things will be winked out of Sight till Peace is established upon a solid Basis.

康涅狄格著名的沃特斯机器每天都出现在营地. 由于它的重量大约有一吨,这必然是一件笨拙的事情. 我希望它能成功 the Ships be blown up beyond the Attraction of the Earth for it is the only Way or Chance they have of reaching St. 彼得斯门.3

我非常抱歉,先生,它不在将军. Wards Power to treat the 荣誉able Committee from Congress with those Marks of Friendship 和 Politeness which would have afforded him much Satisfaction. 如果他不去做,那他就是有缺陷的. Very soon after their Arrival he had the Pleasure to wait upon them at the General's 和 asked them separately 和 repeatedly to afford him an Opportunity of waiting upon them at Roxbury. Genl. Ward was again called to Cambridge before they had finished their Business 和 then told Genl. Washington that by his other Invitation he meant to have them dine with him 和 renewed the Request (Genl. 我想还有华盛顿和家庭). 阁下告诉将军. 等到这件事办完以后,他就把消息告诉他. The Day they had about compleated their affairs I was at his Excellency's 和 heard him inform the Gentlemen that they were to dine with Gen. 第二天的病房. After this the 康涅狄格州ecticutt Officers in Camp at Roxbury sent an Invitation to his Excellency 和 the 荣誉able Committee to dine with them upon 乌龟 the next Day. 大家都向他致意,并接受了邀请. Genl. 沃德告诉科罗. 哈里森先生. Lynch after they came to Roxbury he expected them to dine with him: they both told him they did not know but they were to dine with him till they had got to Roxbury. 他们认为请柬是一样的. 第二天他们就要出发了.

我不愿意认为这是为了安置将军. Ward in such a Light to the 荣誉able Committee as to make him appear deficient in Point of good Manners. 这些事给人不小的痛苦和不安. 他确信行为准则是指他会选择离开部队吗. For before this his Tho'ts were employed upon the Subject of Resignation by Reason of his Ill state of Health. The Service is very Burthensome But especially the two or three first Months since which Genl. Ward has never enjoyed scarecly a tolerable State of Health 和 I fear it will Occasion his Resignation sooner or later doubt not but he then laid the Foundation for those consequent Disorders which will long trouble him. 他的健康状况不允许他再呆下去了,可是他的事业却不是有史以来最好的 234任何人都从事(Vizt).) that of preserving for himself 和 Family the civil 和 sacred Rights 和 Priviledges which God 和 Nature have bestowed upon him, 不仅如此,还不止如此, 一个幅员辽阔、为繁荣而形成的国家, however it may be marked out for the Rod of Chastisment 和 Life 和 Property may be sported with as Objects of little or no Value. But an immutable Enemy to Tyrants 和 tyrannical Measures he is willing to Sacrifice his own Peace 和 Quiet 和 devote himself to sufferings that others may not after him inherit Chains 和 Slavery. 先生,我是您最恭顺的仆人.,


N.B. 先生们到达后的一个星期. 沃德得到了你的青睐. 他的健康状况不允许他回信5 因此,我非常感谢你.

P.S. 对不起,我没想到会写这么多.

RC (亚当斯的论文); docketed: “Sam. 奥斯古德信. 1775”; in a later h和, the insertion, “25th.”


奥斯古德写信给。时提到了他23日的信 JA on 11月4日. (下图).


The attempt to appoint Joseph Frye a brigadier general aroused sectional rivalries that prevented a decision when his name first came up in Sept. 1775. Col. 宾夕法尼亚州的约翰·阿姆斯特朗也得到了同样的支持. 弗莱直到1月10日才接到任命. 1776; Armstrong had to wait until 1 March, 当代表大会选出另外六名准将( JCC , 3:257; 4:47, 181; 伯内特,艾德., 成员信 , 1:204, 307及注).


奥斯古德可能听说过那个美国人 乌龟一艘由……建造的潜艇 大卫·布什内尔(1742-1824) 在康涅狄格州的塞布鲁克., ——本杰明·富兰克林, 是谁在随国会委员会北上的途中检查了这艘船. Bushnell began building it soon after Lexington 和 Concord with the apparent intention of using it against the British in Boston Harbor. 到10月,建造和测试已经完成, 但是一些小问题, 特别是当船被淹没时,一种照明内部的方法, 直到波士顿被疏散后才准备好行动. 它分别于1776年和1777年在纽约和费城试行, but difficulty in attaching the mine that it carried to the bottoms of British ships caused it to fail. 布什内尔随后放弃了他的计划,该计划已经制造出了第一艘可使用的潜艇。 轻拍 ; Frederick Wagner, 美国革命时期的潜艇战斗机, N.Y., 1963, p. 1–47; Dr. 本杰明·盖尔写给塞拉斯·迪恩,11月9日和22日.12月7日.,及2月1日. 1776, 康涅狄格州. 嘘. Soc., 书. , 2 [1870]: 315–318, 322–323, 333–335, 358–359).< / sic > 这艘潜艇最终于9月在纽约与英国舰队进行了对抗试验. 1776, but failed because of difficulty in attaching the mine that it carried to the bottoms of British ships. 布什内尔随后放弃了这个项目, 它制造了第一艘可用的潜艇(弗雷德里克·瓦格纳, 美国革命时期的潜艇战斗机, N.Y., 1963).


奥斯古德是奥巴马将军的助手. 病房( 轻拍 ).


但是看看 下一个文档. 沃德的信 JA 还没有找到.