阿比盖尔·亚当斯·史密斯 亚当斯,阿比盖尔
3月11日纽约th 1791 [1792]

我收到了您3月7日的来信th 我亲爱的妈妈,我很高兴看到您已经康复,可以再次使用您的钢笔了1—altho I doubt not you find yourself very feeble and fear it may be long before you regain your strength; yet I hope by care and attention you will soon subdue this fever which afflicts you— I confess that 我是 but a novice in Phisick—yet I cannot reconcile it that so many weakening methods were necessary to subdue your 269我想,只要道路能够通行,我希望你能到东方去——换换环境也许对你有好处——但这一点你是最好的判断者——

——我最好还是保持沉默——我只能说,焦虑一定伴随着我——我认为我有责任去——但我承认,这种竞争几乎让我难以忍受——我觉得我对你有义务rs 道尔顿和Mrs 奥蒂斯感谢她们对你的关注——她们都是友好的好女人——我希望如此 I 在我的旅途中,我可能会幸运地遇到一两个这样友好的人——我很少允许自己考虑这个问题,但是当我这样做的时候——这使我的情绪很沮丧——我很幸运,因为它尊重一位与我们同船的乘客的女士. 她是M。rs 汤姆森一直是M的同伴和朋友rs Gates for three or four years—her Husband is a Clergiman a Scotchman [who] came over to this Country in the begining of the war and he purchased a little Farm at Johns Town above albany and was settled there—for two years but did not find success equal to his expectations— he returnd four years since to Dundee from whence he came but his People had settled some other Person in his Place during his absence— they have however settled an hund Guineas a year upon him during his Life—and he has sent for Mrs 汤姆森要回家了2 科尔n 杜尔在本州买下了她的农场——她将和我们一起坐船回家——她是一个友好的、聪明的女人——她的举止温和而讨人喜欢——我觉得有她作伴是幸运的——

至于孩子们——如果你能在一所好学校附近安顿下来,我不反对离开Wm in your care—but you are travelling from Braintree to Philadelphia— at Braintree there is no school fit for him to go to; and if I Leave him here he will do just as he pleases with the whole family before one month is at an end: and 科尔n S. 妈妈会觉得他老是跟她在一起很难受,所以我想,为了避免争吵和恶果,最好还是把他们俩都带上m 从家里送到一所学校去——不过我每天都能看到他——而且我认为他太年轻了,不需要我多加注意





RC (亚当斯的论文); addressed: “Mrs Abigail Adams / Philadelphia—”; docketed: “Mrs Smith to / her Mother / March 11th 1791.拍摄于1791年3月11日. 封条被拆的地方文字丢失了.




玛丽·瓦伦斯(约. 1740-1810),一个富有的老处女,在1786年成为霍雷肖·盖茨的第二任妻子(保罗·大卫·纳尔逊, 《霍雷肖·盖茨将军传巴吞鲁日,路易斯安那州., 1976, p. 284, 290). 牧师. 詹姆斯·汤普森(James Thompson)在纽约州约翰斯敦(Johnstown)短暂地担任长老会会众的牧师.Y., 但他的牧师生涯“远非典范”, 当他离开的时候, in 1787, 对他提出了许多影响他人格的指控. H. 吉列, 美国长老会的历史,牧师. 经济日报., 2伏.,费拉., 1873, 1:383–384).