约翰亚当斯, 亚当斯,约翰·昆西
我亲爱的儿子 5月29日. 1794

昨天参议院建议任命Mr short to Madrid, but there has as yet been no nomination to the Vacancy at the Hague. 然而,人是确定的, and the Nomination will probably be made as soon as I am gone homewards— I have but one night and an half more to stay here.

这一提名, which is the Result of the Presidents own Observations and Reflections, 这是政治问题。, 因为这是出乎意料的. 它将 198 be a Proof that Sound Principles in Morals and Government, are cherished by the Executive of the United States and that Study, Science and Literature are recommendations which will not be overlook’d. 它将 or at least it ought to have in England and Holland more Effect, 比任何已经完成的事情都重要, 也许除了任命Mr 松鸦. 这是美国内阁做出的承诺, that they are not Ennemies to a rational form of Government; and that they are not hurried away by a wild Enthusiasm for every unmeaning Cry of Liberty, 共和主义和平等.-对任命的人来说,这将是一个严肃的信托. 这应该给他留下深刻的印象. 这样的信任是神圣的. 国际法, 外交研究, should engage his early Attention as well as the Dutch Language: but especially every Thing relative to the Interests of the U. S.——在本年级待了几年, will recommend him to Advancement to higher stages and larger Spheres.

The Interests Views and Motions of the Belligerent Powers, will engage his constant Attention and employ all his sagacity.

他走之前一定要到这儿来读一读r 短裤 & Mr 大仲马的信件,1 他必须和总统商量r 伦道夫和Mr 汉密尔顿.

他必须稍微注意一下自己的衣着和仪态. No Man alive is more Attentive to these Things than the President. 至少很整洁,很帅.

当他到欧洲时,他不能保留一辆马车, nor keep House— Dress is an abominably expensive Article—but he will not run into it I hope.— He may dress and ought to dress as handsomely as any of them: but he ought not to change so often. 经济必须是他的学问和实践.

在他的派遣中,他应该非常谨慎, and he ought to employ all the Elegance and Art of his Pen.

I shall drop hints broken hints from time to time for I have many Things to say.

大仲马,路扎克,威林克斯,范斯塔佛斯特,克罗梅林 &c将是你的第一个熟人:2 但即使和他们在一起,你也必须保持警惕


J. A

RC (亚当斯的论文); internal address: “J. Q. A.” Tr (亚当斯的论文).


Charles William Frederic Dumas had served as the de facto U.S. chargé d’affaires in the Netherlands since the 1770s, 工作密切,并经常与 JA. His correspondence with Congress, 1776–1796, is contained in the PCC, No. 93 (JA, 199 D&A 3:9–10). 看威廉·肖特的论文 数据链路控制:威廉·肖特论文和 DNA:RG 59、外交信函.


让·路扎克,威廉 & 简·威林克,尼古拉斯 & Jacob van Staphorst, and Daniel Crommelin were all Dutch associates of JA 当他在那里担任部长时. 利记APP官网手机版卢扎克,见第2卷. 4:十四; for Crommelin, see JQA体系, 日记 , 1:58.