Adams, John American Commissioners Jefferson, Thomas Vergennes, the Comte de
IX. The American Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes
Sir [ 1–11 October 1785 ]1

陛下在任何场合都乐意向美利坚合众国表示友好的意向, as well as the assurances given them in the 8th. Art. of the treaty of Amity & Commerce that he would employ his good offices & 与巴巴里海岸的权力进行干预,以确保安全 448美国公民的船只和财物促使我们于3月28日致函贵公司th on that subject. To this you were pleased to favour us with an answer on the 28th of April enclosing the sentiments of His Excellency the Maãl. de Castries on the same subject & 这证实了我们期待国王陛下的斡旋,无论何时我们都应有效地准备与这些国家进行谈判.2 由于实际情况使我们无法亲自向法院提起诉讼, 国会已经很高兴地授予我们其他全权,授权我们代替代理人前往那里进行谈判 & 使条约条款成熟,并以初步形式签署,但需要我们最终执行. They have also permitted & 使我们能够满足那些其他国家习惯于服从的要求. 鉴于这些权力,我们任命托马斯·巴克莱先生r agent to the court of Morocco & John Lamb Esqr. to the Government of Algiers, 谁将立即前往各自的目的地,就友好条约进行谈判 & Commer[ce] with those two powers. 我们将这些交易通知阁下, & 请允许我通过您向国王陛下表示,我现在已经完全获得了使这些谈判生效所必需的权力, 并且能够按照实际情况给我们的理由去期望,遵从适度的要求, 他对这些国家施加强大影响的时刻已经到来, to our great benefit. 并祈祷他能通过直接向这些权力求助来介入此事, or through the medium of his Ministers, Consuls or Agents residing there, 或以陛下认为最符合其荣誉的其他方式 & most likely to avail the United States of his efficacious aid.


London. Octr. 1. 1785. John Adams.
Paris Octr. 11. 1785. Th: Jefferson3

RC in David Humphreys’ hand (Arch. Aff. Étr., Paris, Corr. Pol., É.-U., vol. 30:334–335); internal address: “His Excellency / The Count de Vergennes.” Text lost due to a tight binding has been supplied from a Tr (PCC, No. 117, I, f. 17–19).


Thomas Jefferson drafted this letter and the fair copy for JA’s signature that was enclosed with his second letter of 24 Sept., below. Compare it with the first version of the letter drafted by JA on 15 Sept. (No. V, above) and enclosed with JA’s letter to Jefferson of that date, below.


The commissioners are paraphrasing Art. 8 449of the 1778 Franco-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce (Miller, Treaties , 2:8–9). 1785年3月28日专员给维尔热纳的信和4月28日法国外交部长的答复, 他在信中附上了海军部长4月24日的一封信副本, the Marquis de Castries, 利记APP官网手机版法国协助美国与巴巴里国家谈判的问题, see vol. 16:579–581.


The datelines and signatures are by JA and Jefferson, respectively.