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JQA体系日记,第31卷 1819年2月22日
JQA体系 尼尔·米利根 亚当斯-oni条约 联合银行 州 佛罗里达吞并 外交关系 宗教 最高法院 根特条约 西方, 的 西进探险和 扩张/西迁/天定命运

22. V:45. 我做了一个证书 队长巴伦; but had not time to get 在我不得不去办公室之前写的一份副本. Mr oni 来了 十一岁的时候, Mr 斯托顿他的下属之一 Legation— 的 two copies of the Treaty made out at his house were ready; none of ours were entirely finished— We exchanged the original full powers on both sides, which I believe to be the correct course on the conclusion of Treaties; though at Ghent, 和 on the conclusion of the 3人公约. 1815年7月. 原作只展出过,而且 副本交换. 我有一份《利记手机官网》的副本r 另一方面,我看的是英文的一面 他整理的,他整理的是西班牙那边的. 然后,我们 signed 和 sealed both copies, on both sides; I first, on the English, 和 he first on the Spanish side: some few errors of copying, 和 even 发现了翻译错误,并加以纠正. 会议同意 four other copies should be executed in two or three days, as soon as 他们都准备好了. Mr 奥尼斯随身携带 his executed copy of the Treaty, 和 I went over with ours to the 总统的. 信息和 Documents to be sent with it to the Senate, were all prepared; but the 总统的弟弟,私人秘书 约瑟夫·琼斯·门罗 和另一个人去了国会大厦 给国会的信息,以及 Mr Gouverneur Mrs 梦露的 他的侄子也住在总统家 因为他的秘书也在国外,所以他偶尔也做些事情. 总统 让我问 Mr D. 布兰特,将《利记手机官网》的电文一并带走 他向元老院提出了要求 Dr 英格尔斯 在波士顿停靠 the Office, 和 had some conversation with me— He brought me Letters 从 Degr和-我给他发了一封 invitation to dine with us next Thursday; but he leaves the city to 明天返回费城. 在我从办公室回家的路上 见过 Mr Fromentin他是路易斯安那州的参议员,问他是否 Treaty had been received by the Senate— He said it had—was read; 和 as far as he could judge had been received with universal satisfaction. I 共进晚餐, 艾尔缀德西, a member of the House of Representatives, 从 South-Carolina, at Dowson的 酒店的许多成员 国会两院都住在那里,在他们中间 一般的年代. 史密斯 巴尔的摩,与 他的妻子,她呢? 45姐姐, 小姐 矛他们正在吃饭. 他们谈了很多 the subject of the Treaty this day signed, as well as upon the arguments now delivering before the 最高法院 of the United 州, 和 the debates in the House of Representatives on the subject of the Bank— I attended this Evening by invitation, a Ball at Georgetown in celebration of 华盛顿的 出生日期, 奥蒂斯 同去 Mrs 亚当斯玛丽 布坎南他把他的椅子给我送到了道森酒店——我走了进去 一个人. 总统也在舞会上,我介绍了Dr 他叫英格尔斯-我们一直呆到后来 晚餐, Mrs 斯凯勒 是经理派我来领导的吗 to the supper room— She is the wife of a member of Congress 从 the 是纽约州的一位律师,也是我老熟人的女儿 Dr 索耶 of Newbury-Port— We 来了 home immediately after the Ladies had supped, but it was near one in the Morning when I closed the day; with ejaculations of fervent gratitude to the giver of all good— It was perhaps the most important day of my life— What the consequences may be of the compact this day signed with Spain, is known only to the all wise, 和 all beneficent disposer of Events; who has brought it about in a manner utterly unexpected, 和 by means the most extraordinary 和 不可预见的. 它的前景是吉祥的,在一个杰出的 degree— May they be realized by the same superintending bounty that 生产他们! 难道没有失望的希望,这一事件 warrants us in cherishing; 和 may its future influence on the destinies 我的国家将像我们最温暖的地方一样广泛和有利 期望可以描绘它! 不要让闲散和毫无根据的欢欣带走 possession of my mind as if I could ascribe to my own foresight or exertions any portion of the Event— It is the work of an intelligent, 所有的拥抱. May it speed as it has begun; for without a continuation of the blessings already showered down upon it, all that has been done will be worse than useless 和 vain— 的 acquisition of the Florida’s has long been an object of earnest desire to this Country— 的 acknowledgment of a definite line of boundary to the South Sea, 在我们的历史上形成了一个伟大的时代. 这是它的第一个提议 Negotiation was my own; 和 I trust it is now secured beyond the reach of revocation— It was not even among our claims by the Treaty of Independence with Great Britain— It was not among our pretensions under the purchase of Louisiana—for that gave us only the range of the 小姐issippi 和 its waters— I first introduced it in the written 提案31. 去年10月,在双方口头讨论之后 与奥尼斯和 De 地区的. 这是唯一特殊而适当的权利 本条约一经批准即获得. 我记录下 first assertion of this claim for the United 州 as my own; because it is known to be mine, perhaps only to the members of the present Administration; 和 may perhaps never be known to the public; 和 if 曾经知道的,很快就会忘记. 由 acquisition of the Florida’s of a fund for the satisfaction of claims held by Citizens of the United 州 upon the Spanish Government has been steadily pursued through a Negotiation, now of fifteen years 站. 它是整个《利记手机官网》的一部分,在这种情况下 ratification, will have the most immediate 和 sensible effects. 的 change in the relations with Spain, 从 the highest mutual exasperation 和 imminent War, to a fair prospect of tranquility 和 of secure peace completes the auspicious characters of this transaction in its present aspect; which fills my heart with gratitude unutterable to the first 一切的原因. 然而,让我不要忘记,在这希望之中 are seeds of fear— 的 ratification of Spain is yet uncertain, 和 may by many possible events be defeated— If ratified, many difficulties will 肯定会阻碍条约的执行. 有一些 discontent at the acceptance of the Sabine as our boundary 从 the gulph of Mexico to the red river— 的 amount of claims upon Spain which we have renounced 和 cancelled will prove five times greater than the sum which we have assumed to pay; 和 that, when finally ascertained will leave all the claimants dissatisfied— For although our scale of comparison is between what they will obtain under the Treaty, 和 what they would have obtained 从 Spain, without it; that is, absolutely nothing; yet theirs will be between their entire 正确的 我们取消的,以及非常不完善的赔偿 我们保护他们. 佛罗里达的人被发现的概率更低 valuable in possession than when merely coveted— Most of the l和s will be found to have been granted, 和 it may be doubted whether enough will be 46从他们的收益中甚至可以筹集到五个人 数百万美元的赔款. A watchful eye; a resolute purpose, a calm 和 patient temper, 和 a favouring Providence will all be as indispensable for the future, as they have been for the past in the 这次谈判的管理-愿他们不会被发现有不足之处.