Meet & Greet: Publications

By Jeremy Dibbell

Another round of introductions today: the Publications department. Since its inception, the MHS has taken as one of its major missions the “dissemination” of materials of historical interest, and the Publications team is responsible for carrying out that vital task. The types of volumes published by the MHS include:

Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. First published in 1792, and now numbering more than ninety volumes, these are documentary editions of materials from our collections. The most recent is Selected Journals of Caroline Healey Dall, Volume I (1838-1855), edited by Helen R. Deese.

– Thematic collections of essays on historical topics, Studies in American History and Culture.

The Massachusetts Historical Review, an annual journal.

– Illustrated books highlighting materials and artifacts from MHS collections.


Click here for a full list of in-print MHS publications.

The Publications department staff include Ondine Le Blanc, Director of Publications, and Assistant Editors Suzanne Carroll and Jeanine Rees.

Complete contact information is available here.